Valpinar 500 CR

Brand name Valpinar 500 CR
Composition Sodium Valporate– 333 mg + Valproic Acid- 145 mg
DISCRIPTION: Valpinar 500 CR is ‘anticonvulsants’ or ‘anti-epileptics’ primarily used to treat epilepsy/seziures/ fits. Additionally, Valpinar 500 CR is also used to treat mood disorders and migraine. Valpinar 500 CR Tablet works by decreasing the excessive and abnormal nerve activity in the brain. Thereby helps in controlling seizures. Valpinar 500 CR Tablet increases the amount of a chemical substance called GABA, this helps block the nerve transmission across the brain and provides a calming effect. Valpinar 500 CR inhibit GABA tranaminase, blocking Voltage gated ion channels, inhibiting histone deacetylase.
Do not stop taking Valpinar 500 CR without consulting doctor to avoid worsening of seizures.
DIRECTION OF USE: Take Valpinar 500 CR with or 1-hour prior food. Swallow Valpinar 500 CR a whole with a glass of water, do not chew, or break the tablet. Based on the medical condition, doctor will decide how long the patient need to take Valpinar500 CR.
SIDE EFFECTS: Like all medicines, Valpinar 500 CR also has some side effects, though it is not mandatory for everyone to experience them. Some common side effects experienced include peripheral oedema (swelling in legs and arms, common cold, backache, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, rashes, and weakness.
Indication and Clinical Use: - Epilepsy, mood disorder, migraine
Side effect: - Headache Nausea Vomiting Diarrhoea Sleepiness Drowsiness Impaired coordination Apathy (lack of interest) Hair loss Irregular periods Weight gain
Drug warning: - Do not take Valpinar 500 CR if there is an allergic to any of its contents, avoid if problems, porphyria (blood disorder) or susceptible to bleeding. Inform the doctor before taking Valpinar 500 CR if there is an inflammation-like diseases, bone marrow damage or kidney problems.
Interactions: - • Drug-Drug Interactions Valpinar 500 CR Tablethave Interaction with pain killers (aspirin), anti-epileptics (phenobarbital, primidone, phenytoin, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, felbamate), anti-HIV (zidovudine), anti-depressant (amitriptyline, sertraline), anti-psychotic (quetiapine, olanzapine, risperidone), hormone (levonorgestrel), anti-malarial (mefloquine), antacid (cimetidine), antibiotics (imipenem, meropenem, erythromycin), bile-acid sequestrant (cholestyramine), benzodiazepine (clonazepam, diazepam).
• Food-Drug Interactions Avoid alcohol consumption while taking Valpinar 500 CR as it might cause increasing dizziness and Sleepiness. Alcohol intake might also provoke seizures.
• Drug-Disease Interactions Valpinar 500 CR Tablet has Interactions with disease conditioning such as depression, liver disease, urea cycle disorders, suicidal tendency, HIV disease, thrombocytopenia (low levels of platelets).
Safety Warning Alcohol Avoid consumption of alcohol while taking Valpinar 500 CR as it may increase the risk of seizures.
Pregnancy Valpinar 500 CR belongs to pregnancy category D. Avoid taking Valpinar 500 CR if you are pregnant unless prescribed by a doctor as it could lead to serious birth defects.
Breast Feeding Valpinar 500 CR may pass into breastmilk. Consult your doctor before taking if you are breastfeeding.
Driving Valpinar 500 CR causes dizziness, sleepiness and drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machinery unless you are alert.
Liver Valpinar 500 CRshould not be used if you have liver problems or your family has a history of liver problems. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding this.
Kidney Dose adjustment may be needed in patients with kidney impairment. Please consult your doctor if you have kidney impairment or any concerns regarding this.
Diet & Lifestyle Advise A ketogenic diet (low in carbohydrates and high in fats) is recommended for children with epilepsy. This diet helps in utilizing fat instead of glucose for the generation of energy. Atkins diet (high fay and controlled carbohydrates) is recommended for adolescents and adults. Exercising regularly helps in maintaining weight and improving overall health. Rest well, get plenty of sleep. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.